Platform/Site Sequence

This sequence represents the user (DevOps Engineer) interacting with the Aegir frontend to initiate an Operation via a Platform or Site (Aegir Entity):

sequenceDiagram participant U as User participant P as Platform/Site participant O as Operation participant T as Task participant Q as Queue activate U U->>P: Views platform page activate P loop Operations view P->>O: List operations activate O alt status == dispatched O-->>P: Disabled “Run” button else status != dispatched O-->>P: Enabled “Run” button end deactivate O end P-->>U: Display operations deactivate P alt Operation requires user input U->>O: Trigger ("run") operation activate O loop Inline forms O->>T: Build task form activate T T-->>O: Return task form deactivate T end O-->>U: Open operation form modal dialog deactivate O U->>O: Fills form & dispatches operation activate O else No user input required, dispatch directly U->>O: Trigger ("run") operation end deactivate U O->>P: Marshal platform variables activate P loop All platform operations P->>+O: Marshal operation variables loop All operation tasks O->>T: Marshal task variables activate T T-->>O: Return task variables deactivate T end O-->>-P: Return operation variables end P-->>O: Return platform variables deactivate P loop Operation tasks O->>T: Marshal task roles activate T T-->>O: Return task roles deactivate T end O->>Q: Dispatch to backend deactivate O # # Note right of T: Rational thoughts